Guide for Authors

Manuscript preparation

Manuscript preparation based on the following guidelines substantially reduces the time taken in editorial processing and results in rapid decision making.

The manuscript should be submitted electronically at in the following format:

  • Single Microsoft Word file embedding all the figures and tables (PDF is not accepted).
  • Completely double-spaced.
  • Pages are numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner of each page, beginning with the title page.
  • "Times New Roman" font, size 14 for the title, 12 for subtitles, and 11 for the text; justified; Page margins: Top and bottom: 2.5 cm; Left and right: 2 cm.

Research manuscript must include:

The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:

  • Title page
  • Abstract (Note: references should not be included in abstracts)
  • Text separated under appropriate headings and subheadings
  • Tables should be in Word format and placed in the main text where the table is first cited
  • Tables must be cited in the main text in numerical order
  • Acknowledgments, funding, and all the other required statements
  • Conflict of interests
  • Protection of human and animal subjects
  • Authors' contributions
  • Reference list

Title page

The title page must contain the following information:

  • Title of the article
  • Full name, 16-digit ORCID, affiliation, postal address, e-mail, and telephone number of the corresponding author
  • Full name and affiliation of all co-authors
  • A running title of 50 or fewer characters (including spaces)


A properly constructed and informative abstract is helpful for the initial editorial review of the submitted manuscript.

Original articles and systematic reviews must include a structured abstract that contains no more than 250 words and uses the following headings:

  • Aim: State the precise objective or the specific hypothesis to be tested, or both.
  • Method: Describe the study design and specific methods and procedures.
  • Results: Report the most important findings, including key data and results of statistical analyses.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the primary outcomes of the study, including their potential importance
  • Key terms: provide 3 to 6 keywords or phrases

Non-systematic reviews must include an unstructured abstract that contains no more than 150 words.


The main text of original articles, including randomized controlled trials, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, outcome studies, and cost-effectiveness analyses and the systematic reviews should consist of:

  • Introduction: This section will give a brief introduction to the research work while reviewing the latest researches related to it. The introduction section should clearly mention the significance and objectives of the research.
  • Method: This section should be detailed enough so that the other interested researchers could repeat the experiments. In the case of applying common methods, the citation will be sufficient. However, if any modification in the established method was made, it should be clearly mentioned.
  • Results: Authors should describe their important results in this section. The data should have been analyzed statistically.
  • Discussion: In this section, authors should discuss their observations in view of already published literature. Variations from the published reports should be discussed logically, giving all possible reasons, and then conclusions should be made.
  • Conclusion: Containing a brief review of results and stating the outcomes or decisions reached.


Authors can acknowledge the technical help/financial grant of their colleagues/institutes etc.

Conflict of interests

All listed authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that may inappropriately influence or bias the objectivity of submitted content and/or its acceptance for publication in this journal.

Financial support or sponsorship

Information that explains whether and by whom the research was supported

Protection of Human and Animal Subjects

The related code of ethics for experiments involving humans and animals. 

Authors' contributions

For each author of a manuscript, please indicate the types of contributions the author has made. 


References should be the most recent and pertinent literature available. It is essential that they are complete and thoroughly checked.

In the Vancouver Style, citations within the text of the manuscript are identified by Arabic numbers in round brackets.

The entries in the list should be numbered consecutively.

  • Journal article

Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Burns JC, et al. The treatment of Kawasaki syndrome with intravenous gamma-globulin. New England Journal of Medicine 1986; 315:341–347.

  • Chapter in a book 

Toma H. Takayasu’s arteritis. In: Novick A, Scoble J, Hamilton G, eds. Renal Vascular Disease. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1995:47–62

  • Book

Stryer L. Biochemistry. 2nd ed. San Francisco: WH Freeman; 1981:559–596

  • Thesis

Stern I. Hemorrhagic Complications of Anticoagulant Therapy [Ph.D. dissertation]. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University; 1994

  • Online article

Rosenthal S, Chen R, Hadler S. The safety of acellular pertussis vaccine vs. whole-cell pertussis vaccine [abstract]. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med [serial online]. 1996;150:457–460. Available at: Accessed November 10, 1996

  • Symposium article

Eisenberg J. Market forces and physician workforce reform: why they may not work. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges; October 28, 1995; Washington DC, USA‍


Each illustration should have a caption comprising a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep the illustration texts to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.


Tables should be consecutively numbered in accordance with their appearance in the text. Tables should be sparing in use, and the data presented in them should not be described elsewhere in the manuscript.

Cover letter

The authors should submit a cover letter and confirm that the manuscript is original and is solely submitted to this journal, and is not currently under consideration or previously published elsewhere. The corresponding author(s) should also state that any contributor who met the authorship criteria was included in the authors' list.

Short Communications

Short communications are brief reports of research works containing new findings. Short Communication consists of abstract, main body (including Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion), acknowledgment, references, tables, and figures (entirely not more than 3000 words).

Case reports

Case reports are accepted provided they are of exceptional interest to readers. The case report consists of Abstract (unstructured), Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Case reports must not exceed 15 references and a reasonable amount of tables and/or figures (entirely not more than 2500 words).

Letters to the editor

Letters could be of two types, commenting either on recently published articles or reporting cases, outbreaks, or urgent community needs. The former must be received within 6 months of publication of the article to which they refer and should be no longer than 500 words. The latter should contain no more than 1000 words altogether including up to 10 references and 2 figures and/or tables. They should not be divided into sections.

Copyright Policy

An Agreement has been made with the Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics Journal. The Agreement is for the article submitted by authors for publication in the APTJ.

To enable publishing the article in the journal, the ownership of copyright must be established. The authors should read and complete the form and upload it on the website as a supplementary file. There are explanatory notes to this Agreement, which also form part of the Agreement.

In consideration of the publication of the article in the journal, authors warrant and undertake:

  1. that the article is an original work, has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form either in printed or electronic form.
  2. that author has obtained permission from the copyright holder to reproduce in the article (in all media  including print and electronic form) material not owned by author, and that author has acknowledged the source;
  3. that this article contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third party right or any material of an obscene, indecent or otherwise unlawful nature and that to the best of my knowledge this article does not infringe the rights of others;
  4. that author will indemnify and keep indemnified the Editors, the Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics Journal against all claims and expenses (including legal costs and expenses) arising from any breach of this warranty and the other warranties on my behalf in this Agreement;
  5. that in the case of a multi-authored article, author has obtained copyright assignment from all co-authors, in writing, and authorization to enter into this Agreement on their behalf and that all co-authors have read and agreed the above warranties;

Note: The manuscript cannot be processed for publication until the publisher has received this signed form. If the manuscript is not published by the APTJ, this letter will not take effect.

Related forms:

Cover letter
